What Is Toenail Fungus
- Onychomycosis (toenail fungus) is a fungal infection underneath the surface of the nail (we will be focussing on this condition below). Tinea Pedis is a fungal infection elsewhere on the foot.
- Often begins at one toenail and spreads to other toenails, the skin and/or finger tips over time.
- Fungal nails often appear thick, yellow and crumbly.
- Barefoot walking (especially in bathing facilities, swimming pools, locker rooms etc.)
- Nail bed injury
- Conditions that cause immune deficiencies (i.e. diabetes)
- Excessive perspiration or exposure of toes to dark moist environments (i.e. shoes)
- Often present for years with no pain or any other symptoms.
When To Visit A Foot Specialist
- Any abnormal nail presentation should be assessed by a foot specialist. Earlier treatment = greater chance of clearing infection.
What Can I Expect During The Visit
- Physical examination of the lower limbs.
- Nail culture
- Prescription of topical or oral medications to treat fungus.
- Nail debridement
- Surgical intervention
- Practice good foot hygiene.
- Change shoes / socks more than once daily.
- Disinfect instruments used to cut nails at home.
- Wear moisture resistance socks.
- Wear flip-flops in public facilities such as swimming pool decks.
- Onychomycosis (toenail fungus) is a fungal infection underneath the surface of the nail (we will be focussing on this condition below). Tinea Pedis is a fungal infection elsewhere on the foot.
- Often begins at one toenail and spreads to other toenails, the skin and/or finger tips over time.
- Fungal nails often appear thick, yellow and crumbly.
- Barefoot walking (especially in bathing facilities, swimming pools, locker rooms etc.)
- Nail bed injury
- Conditions that cause immune deficiencies (i.e. diabetes)
- Excessive perspiration or exposure of toes to dark moist environments (i.e. shoes)
- Often present for years with no pain or any other symptoms.
When To Visit A Foot Specialist
- Any abnormal nail presentation should be assessed by a foot specialist. Earlier treatment = greater chance of clearing infection.
What Can I Expect During The Visit
- Physical examination of the lower limbs.
- Nail culture
- Prescription of topical or oral medications to treat fungus.
- Nail debridement
- Surgical intervention
- Practice good foot hygiene.
- Change shoes / socks more than once daily.
- Disinfect instruments used to cut nails at home.
- Wear moisture resistance socks.
- Wear flip-flops in public facilities such as swimming pool decks.